Maxine H.
This months ladies box is just beautiful. The yarn is so soft and such a lovely colour and matches the pattern well. It knits up really nicely one of my favourite boxes to date. Thank you yet again KIAB for the outstanding quality xx
Maxine H.
Just the monthly boxes and surprises that come with them. I changed from bi monthly to monthly as they are so amazing. I have learned many new techniques and challenges along the way that I never thought possible. A great and unique way to enjoy knitting. The KIAB community on Facebook is also very friendly and informative. Thank you KIAB
Sharon N.
I have been slow to post any pictures as I had eye surgery last year which made it difficult to read patterns but I have completed some of the plainer knits.
I found a pattern that I could complete without reading and made 7 of the same using a mixture of colourways - that was satisfying when I was struggling with dysfunctional eyesight.
Now working my way through the ones I haven't yet started.
FYI - I love the cabled knits best.
It is a lovely surprise every month to find out what is in the box - wool patterns treats and goodies.
We try to guess the colour of the wool before I undo the wrapping.
Enjoy your knitiing
David S.
Valentine’s Day present for my wife. She was very pleased.
Anne S.
I gave the subscription to my wife for our 45th wedding anniversary. Every month I get brownie points when the next box of fantastic yarns arrive.
Anne S.
I bought this subscription for my wife to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary.
It was a big hit. She loves the boxes and is looking forward to making the garments.
Jennifer B.
I love getting my Knit in a Box. It’s like getting a lovely Present each month. Can’t wait for them to arrive.
Would recommend these boxes to anyone who enjoys knitting and crocheting. Go on treat yourself.
Sharon N.
I love the variety in the knit boxes. One month it is cabling - my particular favourite - the next month an intricate pattern - the next month variegated wool with a plain pattern so the challenge is always interesting.
Beautiful wool in the April box I will share a picture when I have completed the cardigan.
My gift was some lovely hand cream another all time favourite.
Thanks to the team and Happy Easter
Sharon N.
Loved the wool it was easy to work with i am delighted to have had the monthly boxes as my last years Christmas present
Sharon Nash
Iseult Y.
Love the boxes! Don’t have as much time as I would like to knit then but enjoy them so much just knowing they are here. And deciding who to knit each one for!
Sharon N.
Knit in a Box was a Christmas Present - I have loved the boxes I have received so far which have contained everything I needed to make lovely jumpers - I look forward to the rest of the year.
Jennifer B.
I enjoy receiving my box every month. It’s always exciting to see the wool, pattern and gifts. Would definitely recommend this always value for money. x
Jennifer B.
No photo yet as haven’t started it. Love the extra baby box I got as well. It’s like Christmas and birthdays every month. The patterns and wool and the lovely surprise gifts and sweets are great. Can’t wait for the next one. Highly recommend buying Knit in a Box. x
Jennifer B.
Just signed up for another 12 months subscription. Its like having a birthday every month. The patterns, wool, and surprise gifts are a joy. Can't recommend it strongly enough.
Jennifer B.
I have just renewed my subscription for a second 12 months. Its like having a birthday every month when the new box arrives. Would highly recommend to any knitters. Lovely wool, lovely patterns and always a lovely surprise together with the sweets. Even my husband looks forward to its arrival as he likes the sweets.
Jennifer B.
I enjoy getting my box every month. It's like having a birthday present over and over. Love opening and finding the surprises inside. Hubby likes the sweets.
Jennifer B.
I enjoy receiving my box every month. In the situation we find ourselves in it's a bright event every month. Love to see what is inside and the gifts are a bonus. My husband likes to claim the sweets.